The Way can help you to get world of warcraft gold

Thursday 14 January 2010 ·
by gameboz

Firstly, you can sell anything you can't use or don't need. Every copper counts especially in the Wow.

Secondly you don't waste money on buying items you don't need until you are a high level character and you can learn and use the AH in the game. You can sell better items you get from drops in the AH and buy items low and then sell them high, making a profit.

Lastly, you should try to buy larger bags as soon as possible or ask a tailor to make one for you. The bigger your bags, the more loot you can carry and the more money you will make over time.

The fourth tip is to get a profession. World of Warcraft lets your character pick up professions or specialized skills, in areas such as crafting or gathering in order to make money. By selling mats or materials to other players, you can make lots of gold over time.

You can try to choose professions that are complimentary such as mining and blacksmithing or skinning and tailoring. By having one gathering and one crafting profession, you can use the mats to make items and sell to other players or to make for yourself to wear or use.

You can also wait to pick up a profession until your character is at least at level 50. Being a high level character allows you to breeze through leveling of a profession, though you can pick up a profession much earlier in the game,

Then buying materials off the AH is easier when you are a higher level since you should have more money by then. Players that craft usually buy mats and then smelt, sew, or combine them to make other things. This helps level the skill easily without going into the wilderness to gather.

The fifth tip is that questing is the heart of the game. When playing Wow, you will realize that questing is the major way to level and make money in the game. Completing quests gives you XP or experience points that make your character get higher.
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